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Fullstack & Data Engineer @42DIGITAL
Right after getting my bachelor degree, I was already given more responsibilities while working at 42DIGITAL. During this time I was simultaneously working on further developing a customer center and creating individual software solutions that helped B2B customers to optimize their workflows by 10% in working hours, while also managing customer relations. Handling these tasks, I generated a monthly four-digit growth in revenue.
Bachelor Thesis
During my bachelor thesis at 42DIGITAL, I was in charge of creating a customer center from scratch, which would help to manage clients, generate new revenue streams and lay the foundation of a new business branch. Some of the key features are 24/7 personal dashboard access, an alert manager for custom metrics and providing several AI-powered applications.
As part of my bachelor's program, I completed a six-month internship. During this time, my work within the scope of the 'Baseline-Generator'-Project was able to predict more than 300.000€ in saving for the company's clients and demonstrably improve the performance of the utilized forecasting model's precision through parameter tuning by 12%. Additionally I used ETL-processes to optimize the usage of client data and therefore making workflows about 5% faster. This experience, coupled with some of the courses I attended, gave me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge in the areas of ETL, Data Science and Strategy.
Working Student
During my first steps in the IT industry, I began as a working student at 42DIGITAL, where I supported the daily work of the Data & AI team. I was responsible for numerous ETL processes, cloud functions and integrations, as well as data visualizations for B2B clients to help them understand their metrics. Here, I gained initial experience with Google Cloud and its functionalities, while also learning to create efficient SQL queries and data pipelines.